  • 1 # 使用者3284374537321


    破浪 度西 莫浪叫so

    怕嘎 個度 闊度氣 啊嘎氣

    哦個 加拉 加普給他夠

    窮弄皮 庫搜呢 波多 爸多

    大西康康 呢你 過森 light up the sky.

    你讀 弄呢 破廟I"ll kiss you goodbye.

    西卡皮 無所啦 闊囧 你嘎

    一節 弄ei 哈娜 度誰

    how how you like that

    you gon" like that...

    (how you like that.)

    how you like that...

    now look at you now look at me...

    look you now look at me..

    how you like that. )x2

    your girl need it all

    and that"s a hundred.

    拍給 重要辦 內 莫 嗦哇呢

    karma come (and) get some打卡幾馬

    哦對死 弄加那

    what"s up I"m right back

    怕剛 酸呢cock back

    plain Jane get hi-jacked

    don"t like me.

    then tell me how you like that, like that.

    都康康 馬力 闊誰shine like the stars.

    哭米 說呢 幾秒I"ll kiss you goodbye.

    西卡皮 無所啦 闊囧 你嘎

    一節 弄ei 哈娜 度誰

    how how you like that

    you gon" like that...

    how you like that.

    how you like that...

    now look at you now look at me...

    look you now look at me..

    how you like that.

    拿給 一能 切落 去啊 ki多拿

    阿度 哪能 搜給 卡窮 一多那

    哭得 囧能 弄奶 給奶 啊誒搜

    look up in the sky it"s a bird it"s a plane.

    bring out your boss bish.


    how you like that

    you gon" like that

    how you like that

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  • 食鹽為什麼易溶於水,而不易溶於汽油?