  • 1 # 起步薩姆


    Chinese Discovery Saves Millions of Lives 挽救百萬生命的青蒿素

    The disease malaria has dogged mankind throughout history, and it could not be controlled until the invention of the quinine type of drugs.

    In the 1860s, as the drug called chloroquine, which had been effective against malarial parasites, began to lose its effectiveness, malaria began to appear again in Southeast Asia.

    There was no great discovery until 1981, when Chinese scientist Tu Youyou gave a speech titled, “Chemical Research into Artemisinin,” at an international conference of the World Health Organization (WHO). The speech caused a sensation among all the delegates, as they recognized that this was a lifeline for malaria sufferers.

    Beginning at the age of 39, Tu devoted her life to artemisinin research. In 2015, at the age of 85, she received a Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, which was the first time for a Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize.



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