  • 1 # 佳期如夢將至

    nowhere near na.離…很遠;總不如(那麼好等)遠不及;差得遠;離得遠,差得遠例句1.Dust is nowhere near as hot as a star, therefore optical telescopes cannot observe it.塵埃溫度遠不及恆星,所以光學望遠鏡難以觀測到。2.Muslims have also gone into the Holy Book business, but nowhere near as enthusiastically as Christians.穆斯林也已經從事聖書行業,不過遠不及基督徒那麼積極。3.The arrow was nowhere near the target.箭根本沒有射到靶子。4.My primary data suggests that the market is nowhere near its saturation point.我的主要資料顯示市場是在那些沒有接近它的飽和頂點的地方。5.Of course, three publications is nowhere near enough to get a professorship--even at a crappy school.當然,三篇發表論文遠不足以獲得教職——哪怕是在一個爛學校。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 成語朝霞吐露是什麼意思?