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    用“leadto”造句如下:If thisistrue, there isno particular reason to hope that more education will lead to a moredemocratic world. 假如真是這樣的話,就不存在特別的原因希望更好的教育導致一個更加民主的世界。This might lead to problems, since the requests might arrive outof order to the target machinesin the server farm. 這可能會導致出現問題,因為請求可能不會按順序到達伺服器機群中的目標機器上。In this case, requests from one service policy which demand excessive CPU and lead tooverload could result in breached service goals forthe other policy or forboth policies. 在這種情況下,一個服務策略中的請求需要過多CPU資源,這會導致過載,進而導致另一個策略或這兩個策略的服務目標被破壞。Egypt, though passingthrough a rocky patch, isstill on course to holdan election nextmonth that should lead to the removal of the military authorities and the establishment of a properdemocracy. 埃及,儘管經歷了一個不順利的階段,仍將按規定的程序在下月舉行選舉,該選舉將導致現在的軍事當局解職,並建立一個適宜的民主體制。But life isindeed funny; it doesnot alwaysgo the way wehave planned it to; and that can attimes lead to difficult situations arising out of it. 但是生活的確有趣,它並不總是按我們計劃的那樣發展,時常會導致困難的情況在困難的時刻,有些人和我們同行,告訴我們不要失去信心。This can lead to significant distress, but haveno fear! 這可能導致巨大的壓力,但是不要害怕!article.yeeyan.orgBut the changes donot always lead to cataracts. 但這些變化並不總是會導致白內障。Thistype ofsituation may lead to massive disappointment for both of you and injure what youhave. 這種情況發展下去往往導致雙方失望透頂並傷害到之前已經建立的關係。Forexample,the transitionfrom one activity to another may lead to a navigational message, ifeach activity participatesin itsown transaction. 例如,如果每個活動參與自己的事務,則從一個活動到另一個活動的轉換可能導致產生導航訊息。But despite their diversity, such benefits have one thingincommon: They alleventually lead tohigher revenue or reduced costs. 但是儘管其各有不同,此類效益有一個共同點:它們最終都會導致更高的收入或降低成本。

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