  • 1 # 喜歡英語的NANCY

    Have you ever seen pigs?What do you think of them?You may say pigs are dirty,lazy and foolish.But l don"t think so. ln fact,pigs are neither lazy nor dirty.They aren"t foolish,either.We often see them lie down to sleep as soon as they finish eating.this is because they have nothing to do.ln some place,the pigs are free.They can run here and there in the hills.They eat grass wherever they want.They don"t even have a rest until they come back home.Pigs are dirty because they have too small room to live.We sometimes find they try keep themselves clean .Pigs aren"t foolish at all.In some places pigs are used as detectives.They help us to work out many difficult promblems.So from now on when somebody calls you“pig”,l am sure,you will be happy and say“Thank you”instead of being angry. Am l right?

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