Blyth"s association with the sea began in 1966.布萊思的航海生涯始於1966年。The competing interests of beach development and sea turtle protection開發海灘與保護海龜之間相互衝突的利益The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.所產生的鹽水將被排入大海。The melting ice caused a rise in sea level.冰川消融造成海平面上升。I could hear the murmur of the sea.我能聽到大海的呢喃聲。An underwater outlet pipe discharging waste into the sea排汙入海的水下管道The ship"s radar scanned the sea ahead.船上的雷達掃描了前方的海域。The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level.這個體育館海拔2,275米。The sound of the sea crashing against the rocks海浪衝擊岩石的聲音柯林斯例句庫The sea was of a lapis lazuli blue.大海呈天青石色。He walked into the sea and drowned himself.他投海自殺了。Mist had crept in again from the sea.薄霧又從海面上瀰漫過來了。The mountain rises 6000 feet above sea level.那山海拔6000英尺。Blessed lands of sun and sea and olive trees有著Sunny、海水和橄欖樹的美麗國度
Blyth"s association with the sea began in 1966.布萊思的航海生涯始於1966年。The competing interests of beach development and sea turtle protection開發海灘與保護海龜之間相互衝突的利益The resulting salty water will be discharged at sea.所產生的鹽水將被排入大海。The melting ice caused a rise in sea level.冰川消融造成海平面上升。I could hear the murmur of the sea.我能聽到大海的呢喃聲。An underwater outlet pipe discharging waste into the sea排汙入海的水下管道The ship"s radar scanned the sea ahead.船上的雷達掃描了前方的海域。The stadium was 2275 metres above sea level.這個體育館海拔2,275米。The sound of the sea crashing against the rocks海浪衝擊岩石的聲音柯林斯例句庫The sea was of a lapis lazuli blue.大海呈天青石色。He walked into the sea and drowned himself.他投海自殺了。Mist had crept in again from the sea.薄霧又從海面上瀰漫過來了。The mountain rises 6000 feet above sea level.那山海拔6000英尺。Blessed lands of sun and sea and olive trees有著Sunny、海水和橄欖樹的美麗國度