  • 1 # 使用者5754426002080

    1smoking in public

    2speak loudly in the library

    3eating in the subway

    4making noises at night

    5run the red light

    6wasting food

    7throw rubbishs here and there

    8refuse to line up

    9speak dirty words

    10to spit around in public

    1keep quite in the library

    2observe traffic regulations

    3look straight at the man who speaking

    4no littering

    5no smoking in the public

    6no spitting

    7form a line

    8keep clean when you see a movie at the cinema

    9do not feed the animal in the zoo

    10take care of books

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 快要上班了寶寶需要人照顧,內心深處就是不想讓婆婆照顧,看見她那張臉就覺得夠了,怎麼辦?