  • 1 # 使用者9130346202023

    “hate to do”和“hate doing”的區別在於: 系動詞+ to do -- ...去做(強調動作) 系動詞+ doing -- ...做(強調狀態) hate to do【舉例】

    1.Working at weekend is something I hate to do most. 1.週末加班時我最討厭做的事。

    2.Budgeting is something that people either love or hate to do. 2.編制預算對很多人來說是又愛又恨的事情。

    3.These are the projects which for some reason or other we just hate to do. 3.有些任務,不管因為什麼原因,我們就是討厭去做。 hate doing【舉例】 A: I hate doing homework. 1.我恨死了做家庭作業。 2.For example, you have to make a presentation for your colleagues at work – even if you hatedoing presentations or public speaking. 2.比如,你必須要在工作中給同事做演講,即便你討厭做演講甚至討厭在公共場合講話。 3.People who get things finished (as opposed to people who just get things started) havemastered the ability to push through the things they hate doing, to work on the things they love. 3.完成工作的人(相對於僅僅開始工作的人)擁有透過做自己不喜歡的事情的能力,繼而可以做他們喜歡的事情。

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