  • 1 # 人生何處不相逢9099

    seem 表示“好像,似乎”,是系動詞,後面可以接形容詞,動詞不定式以及that引導的賓語從句,即:seem + adjseem + to do sth.It seems that... 比如:1. 似乎,好像[後接不定式或從句]:It seems that light energy will be an important subject of scientific research in the future.看來,在未來的年代裡,光能是科學研究的重要課題。2. 看上去,覺得:She seems better today.看上去她今天好些了。3. 覺得像是,以為[後常接不定式]:I seem to see someone going into my house.我好像看見有人走進了我的家。4. 似乎存在;好像發生:There seems now no need to call for the doctor.現在看來沒必要去請大夫了。5. 裝作,裝成(…的樣子):to seem friendly裝作友好的樣子seem like 表示“好像,看上去像”,like 是介詞,後面接名詞。比如:That might seem like a dream job for him.對他來說,那看起來好像是份理想的工作。

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