  • 1 # 使用者2733676705141

    We have only one earth. Please save her!Nowadays, the pollution of the Earth is more and more serious and becoming one of the most serious problems of the world. It is our duty to save our earth. How can we prevent our earth from polluting? firstly, donnot threw garbages at the places. Because it will pollute the environment. Secondly, donnot let the polluted water get into the river. Because it will kill fishes. 我們只有一個地球。請節約她! 如今,地球的汙染日益嚴峻,成為最嚴肅的問題的當中一個世界。 我們有責任解救我們的地球。 我們怎樣才能防止我們的地球從汙染嗎?首先,不要把垃圾的地方。因為它會汙染環境。其次,不要讓被汙染的水進入這條河。因為它會殺了魚。

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