  • 1 # 司馬英才

    I never thought that it be easy 我從來不認為這些事是很容易

      Cause we both so distance now 因為我們現在相隔太遠

      And the walls are closing in on us 隔膜已經在我們彼此間產生

      And we are wondering how 我們都想知道怎麼了

      No one has a solid answer 卻沒有人能給我們確定的答案

      But just walking in the dark 我只有獨自在黑暗中前行

      And you can see the look on my face你能夠看見我臉上的模樣

      It just tells me apart它僅僅告訴我分開的事實

      So we fight(So we fight)所以我們與之抗衡

      Through the hurt(Through the hurt)經歷痛苦

      And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)我們哭了又哭

      And we live(And we live)還是要繼續生活

      And we learn(And we learn)我們不斷學習

      And we try and try and try and try再不停地嘗試一切

      So it"s up to you and it"s up to me一直到你和我

      That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅

      On our way back down to earth在我們降落地球的路上

      Down to earth down to earth 腳踏實地

      Our way back down to earth(back down to earth)在用我們各自的方式回到現實

      Mommy you’ll always and somewhere媽媽你總是住在某個地方等我

      And daddy I live outta down我和爸爸的生活失去了正常

      So tell me now how could I ever be normal somehow誰能告訴我怎樣才能回到平常

      You tell me this is for the best你常說我做的很出色

      So tell me why am I in tears那麼你為什麼不告訴我我為何淚流滿面

      So far away and now I just need you here未來的路那麼長可是我現在只需要你在不遠處等待著我

      So we fight(So we fight)所以我們與之抗衡

      Through the hurt(Through the hurt)經歷痛苦傷害

      And we cry(and cry and cry and cry)再無盡的哭泣

      And we live(And we live)又繼續生活下去

      And we learn(And we learn)我們不斷學習

      And we try and try and try and try再不停地嘗試一切

      So it"s up to you and it"s up to me直到你和我

      That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅

      On our way back down to earth在我們回到地球的路上

      Down to earth down to earth 腳踏實地 腳踏實地

      So it"s up to you and it"s up to me一直到你和我

      That we meet in our middle way我們在半路上相遇邂逅

      On our way back down to earth在用我們各自的方式回到現實

      Down to earth down to earth 回到現實 回到現實

      On our way back down to earth在用我們各自的方式回到現實

      Down to earth down to earth 回到現實 回到現實

      We fell so far away from where we used to be我們距離曾經所在的地方太遠了

      Now we are standing and where do we go於是現在我們起身向前奔跑

      When there’s no road to get to your heart當沒有路可以通往你的心裡

      Let"s start over again讓我們重新開始

      So it"s up to you and it"s up to me直到你和我

      That we meet in our middle way在半路上相遇邂逅

      On our way back down to earth在我們回地球的路上

      Down to earth down to earth 腳踏實地 腳踏實地

      On our way back down to earth在用我們各自的方式回到現實

      I never thought that it be easy 我從來不認為這些事會那麼容易

      Cause me both so distance now 因為我們相隔太遙遠

      And the walls are closing in on us 而且我們之間也產生了隔膜

      And we are wondering how 我們想知道怎樣我們可以靠得更近些

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 總是幻想武俠世界腫麼辦?