  • 1 # 不會抽菸的煙

    其實英語四級聽力考試還是有規律可循的,主要抓住關鍵詞,把握重要資訊就可以。並不需要全部都能聽懂也是可以做題的。原則如下:  原則一:段首段尾句  開門見山;首段轉折是重中之重,需要特別注意。  原則二:總結性資訊   to sum up, in brief, in particular, in short all in all, generally speaking, conclude, conclusion, in a word, so, you see  in fact, we can say, ok, anyway, in the end 遇到這樣的詞就說明考點到了。  原則三:重複性資訊  實詞重複  原則四:引用處   專有名詞:人名+機構+職位  原則五:設問句  一般疑問聽升調;特殊疑問5W+1H  原則六:對比轉折處  明顯轉折:although, though, even though, despite, in spite of, however, but, yet, while, whatever  隱含轉折:not…but…, instead, in contrast, on the contrary, far from…, on the other hand, rather than, more…than…, otherwise, unlike, not so much…as...  特殊含義詞轉折:unexpected, unexpectedly, surprise, surprisingly, unfortunate, unfortunately  原則七:因果關係處  明顯因果:because, for, as, since, in that, be due to, given, considering, as long as, if, when, while, so, so that, therefore, thereby, as a result, consequently, accordingly, thus, hence, so…that…, so…as to…, then…  隱含因果:lead to, cause, reflect, result in, give rise to, derive from, result from, portray, present, bespeak, require, suggest, on the basis of, represent, be based on, for the reason that…, rely on, spring from, make, underlying…  原則八:定義處  we call it... so called... term be defined that is...  原則九:建議意見處  you should, suggest, recommend, tips, advice, had better do, how about, what about, why not, why don’t you, if I were you  how does…sound?  原則十:強調處  especially, new theory, indeed, certainly, just remember, and again, most importantly  原則十一:舉例處  for example, for instance, such as, take…, take…for example  原則十二:解釋處  which means…, that is to say…, meant that, known as, for short  原則十三:實意重讀處  重讀轉移(一句話,在不做任何特殊重讀時,其重音應該落在這句話最後一個實詞的重讀音節處)  原則十四:數字資訊處  記錄數字,聽清單位,比較關係是關鍵在練習時,不斷重複聽上面提到的關鍵詞,久而久之你就能駕輕就熟了。

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