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    為women。 women發音:英[ˈwɪmɪn] 美[ˈwɪmən]



    With today"s more efficient contraception women can plan their families and careers. 如今有了更加有效的避孕方法,女性便可以規劃她們的家庭和事業。It was wholesale slaughter of women and children. 那是對婦女和兒童的大規模屠殺。Men have created a social and economic position of advantage for themselves over women. 男性已經為自己創造了優於女性的社會和經濟上的有利地位。Women in Indonesia have secured modern divorce laws that equalize the rights of husbands and wives 印度尼西亞婦女已經獲得了現代離婚法的保護,享有和丈夫同等的權利。Many of the women are addicted to heroin and cocaine 這些女人中很多人都吸食海洛因和可卡因成癮了。The streets were packed with men, women and children. 街上擠滿了男男女女和孩子們。The war was killing innocent women and children. 戰爭奪走了許多無辜婦女和兒童的生命。British officials have booked hotel rooms for the women and children 英國官員已為婦女和兒童預訂了賓館房間。But a group of six women and 23 children got separated from the others. 但是有一群人和其他人走散了,其中有6名婦人和23個孩子。On the top floor we have sleeping quarters for women and children. 我們在頂樓有供女人和孩子睡覺的地方。

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