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    Fashion icon時尚教主網 絡時尚達人;時尚偶像;時尚教主;時裝偶像雙語例句1. Only Marilyn has proved as enduring a fashion icon. 只有瑪麗蓮是常青的時尚偶像。2. The 45 - year - old has wowed the world a fashion icon after moving into the White House. 45 歲 的米歇爾入住白宮後成為全球認可的時尚偶像.3. Such global recognition has made him an elite advertising brand and a top fashion icon. 這種全球性的承認讓他成為了一個精英的廣告品牌和頂級時尚圖示.4. People shelve the out - of - fashion moral icon and espouse the philosophy of egoism. 擱置了人民的時尚圖示和擁護道德哲學的利己主義.5. Minimum one year experience in 2 D web or application icon design, with artistic and fashion taste. 最少一年網路或應用程式圖示設計經驗, 在校生也可嘗試申請.

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