  • 1 # fozgh10718

    The wheels of life keep turning. 命運之輪在不停轉動  Spinning without control; 無法控制地旋轉  The wheels of the heart keep yearning.心靈也在不斷渴望著   For the sound of the singing soul. 那首靈魂之讚歌  And nights are full with weeping.黑夜中充滿了淚水   For sins of the past we"ve sown; 因為我們曾經播下的罪惡  But, tomorrow is ours for the keeping,但明天是要我們去守護的   Tomorrow the future"s shown. 明天——未來的昭示  Lift your eyes and see the glory. 抬眼看那天國的榮光  Where the circle of life is drawn; 那裡是生命輪迴所刻畫  See the never-ending story,目睹這永不完結的傳說   Come with me to the Gates of Dawn.跟隨我通往曙光之門   And whose is the hand who raises誰抬起了那隻手   The sun from the heaving sea? 將太陽托出洶湧的大海  The power that ever amazes這種令人驚愕的力量   We look, but never will see? 我們看到卻永遠不會擁有  Who scattered the seeds so life could be,是誰播下了生命的種子   Who coloured the fields of corn?是誰為麥田塗上了金色   Who formed the mould that made me me, 誰構造了製造出我的模型  Before the world was born? 在地球誕生之前  Lift your eyes and see the glory.抬眼看那天國的榮光   Where the circle of life is drawn; 那裡是生命輪迴所刻畫  See the never-ending story, 目睹這永不完結的傳說  Come with me to the Gates of Dawn. 跟隨我通往曙光之門  Lift your eyes and see the glory. 抬眼看那天國的榮光  Where the circle of life is drawn; 那裡是生命輪迴所刻畫  See the never-ending story, 目睹這永不完結的傳說  Come with me to the Gates of Dawn. 跟隨我通往曙光之門  Lift your eyes and see the glory.抬眼看那天國的榮光    Where the circle of life is drawn; 那裡是生命輪迴所刻畫  See the never-ending story,目睹這永不完結的傳說   Come with me to the Gates of Dawn跟隨我通往曙光之門

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