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    cut off1、剪〔切, 砍〕下Kehr cut off some flowers from the bush.凱爾從樹叢中剪下一些花。The rebels cut off the heads of their captives.叛亂者砍掉了俘虜的腦袋。2、切〔隔〕斷, 阻礙Our troops cut off the enemy"s retreat.我們的軍隊切斷了敵人的退路。3、迅速離開He cut off down a side street.他從一條側道跑掉。4、(疾病等)使(人)死亡Disease cut Brooks off in the best part of life.疾病結束了布魯克斯盛年的生命。He was cut off when he was still young.他死時年歲不大。5、不留遺產Jim"s uncle cut him off without a penny.吉姆的叔叔沒有留給他一文錢。cut off 切斷;中斷;使死亡;剝奪繼承權 cut down v. 削減;砍倒;殺死;刪節;勝過 cut in 插嘴;超車;插入 cut into v. 打斷;侵犯 cut out 切斷;刪去;停止;關掉 cut back 削減;修剪;(美)倒敘;[球]急忙返回 cut short v. 縮短;打斷;縮減 cut from 從…上切下 cut through 刺穿;抄近路走過 cut down on 削減,減少 cut up vt. 切碎;抨擊 cut back on 削減,縮減;減低 cut on v. 很快向前走;趕路 short cut 短路,捷徑;快捷方式 cut away 切掉,砍掉 tax cut 減稅 power cut 供電中斷,停電 cut across 抄近路透過;徑直穿過;打斷 cut flower n. 切花,鮮切花;插瓶花 cut out for 適合於,準備;與……相配合

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