  • 1 # 不會抽菸的煙

    Be vested power to do sth.被授予做某事的權力。 It may be necessary to do sth.也許有必要做某事。 Do be sure to do your homework first.務必先做完你的家庭作業。 Why do we want to be the first adopter?為什麼我們想成為一個新產品的第一使用者? You"ll be the first to know.你應是第一個知道的。 Who is going to be the first?誰會是那第一個呢? Can"t do anything to be a chick.不可以做任何事而成為懦夫。 Don"t forget to do sth.不要忘記去做某事。 Jaffa could not be trained to do this?你是說jaffa不會被訓練這麼做? I mean, who else would be first to go?我是說還有誰會第一個走呢? Be adjudged wise to do sth.去做某事被視為明智。 What will he have to do first?首先他得做什麼? I expected to be asked first.我預計先要問我。 Do you know what films you"re going to be working on first?你要拍的第一部電影是什麼? Others believe they will best be able to do good by first doing well.其他人也都相信這是他們可以做到最好的一份工作。 Whenever you set out to do something, something else must be done first.無論什麼時候你打算開始做某事的時候,總有另外一件事前需要先做。 What will be the first important thing you are going to do after arrival in canada?在你到加後最重要的事是什麼? If a skirt ban was implemented, it is thought it would be the first school to do so in gloucestershire.如果禁止穿裙子的規定實施了,該學校即是格洛斯特郡第一所這樣做的學校。 Cursors do not need to be used to read only the first message in a queue.僅讀取佇列中的第一條訊息時不需要使用遊標。 I"m going to do my homework first, and then I"ll be watching tv.我將先做作業,然後再看電視。

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