  • 1 # rrepn37027

    Dear Tim,My friend Li Ming is looking for an apartment recently. I think your apartment will be a good choice for him. Li Ming is working for a lawfirm and his work is very stable. FYI he is single, so he won"t make any party noise when he is at home. He want to rent the house at least 3 years, because his lawfirm is quite near to your place. And he renew the contract with the company for another 3 years just now. Is there any chance we can visit your apartment?Please kindly advice, thanks.Best,Tom1、英語作文,是指用英語針對某一內容寫出一篇文章;2、是英語考試最常見的一種題目型別;3、英語作文是英語學習的重要內容之一,也是學生綜合能力的體現。4、它與學生的詞彙量、語法、句法能力和邏輯思維能力等有密不可分的關係,在高考中佔有相當大的比重。

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