  • 1 # 使用者2684819276530

    I used to think我過去常常想

    Being like you 像你這樣的做法就是

    Was the key to having everything every dream come true 使夢想成真並擁有一切的唯一鑰匙

    I used to think我過去常常想

    Following the crowd 跟著人群走

    Was the only thing that I could do until I found out就是在我醒悟前我唯一可做的事情

    I"m okay (dig it)我很好,我喜歡

    Sometimes you gotta do your own thing (dig it)有些時候你必須得做些你自己的事情

    Every winter turns to spring (dig it) 每當春去秋來

    And everybodies got there own wings 每一個生命到那個時候擁有新的翅膀時

    The little girl you knew你所知道的那個女孩

    The one that never stood up to you那個從來不違抗你的女孩

    Who kept her silence too long 那個已長時間保持沉默的女孩

    Well she"s gone with the wind 唉,她已走了 隨風走了 她飄走了

    And now I"m standin my ground而現在我就站在這片大地上

    And who I am and for that I"m proud 還有,我就是我 ,我為我自己如此驕傲!

    And the girl that you knew 還有那個你曾經知道的女孩

    Well she"s gone with the wind 誒可以她已走了 隨風走了

    She"s gone gone (she"s gone she"s gone)她走了走了走了走了

    She"s gone gone (she"s gone she"s gone)她走了走了走了走了

    She"s gone gone (she"s gone she"s gone)她走了走了走了走了

    Yeah she"s gone with the wind是的她走了I"m speakin up 我現在響亮的說

    My conciounce is clear 我想我的立場你是清楚的

    And I don"t care what anybody thinks I"ve released my fear 我才不管什麼人家認為我以解除恐懼

    And I don"t have to be我從來不需要那樣做!

    What you want me to be我沒必要按你的方式活

    Coz everytime I try to fit it it feels like I"m in a prison 因為每次我嘗試去融合但我就像是一個犯人

    I"m okay (dig it)我很好

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