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      《What a Wonderful World》 你說的應該是這個 。這首歌版本眾多,甚至陳奕迅都翻唱過 。 你挑一個你喜歡的版本聽吧。

      What A Wonderful World

      I see trees of green, red roses too我看見綠的樹也有紅色的玫瑰

      I see them bloom for me and you我看見他們為你和我開花

      And I think to myself what a wonderful world.我自己在想這是個多麼美妙的世界

      I see skies of blue and clouds of white我看見藍的天白的雲

      The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night晝明夜昏暗

      And I think to myself what a wonderful world.我自己在想,這是個多麼美妙的世界


      The colors of the rainbow so pretty in the sky那彩虹的色澤,在空中是多麼美麗

      Are also on the faces of people going by也映在過路人的臉上

      I see friends shaking hands saying how do you do我看見朋友們在握手相問近來可好

      They"re really saying I love you.他們實是在說著我愛你

      I hear babies cry, I watch them grow我聽見嬰兒在啼哭,我看著他們在長大

      They"ll learn much more than I"ll never know他們講學的比我所指的更要多

      And I think to myself what a wonderful world我自己在想,這是個多麼美妙的世界

      Yes I think to myself what a wonderful world.是的,我自己在想,這是個多麼美妙的世界

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