  • 1 # 王小佳的慧慧


    【造句】:The reworkable underfills technology for flip chip.倒裝晶片的可修復底部填充技術Research on the thermode bonding procee for flip chip.倒裝晶片熱電極鍵合工藝研究。Implementation of flip chip and chip scale technology.叩焊晶片和晶片標度技術的執行。Flip chip will be a new method of packaging technology.倒裝晶片將成為封裝技術的最新手段Bump fabrication methods for flip chip.倒裝晶片凸點製作方法。Screen printing technology for solder ball flip chip for smt.倒裝晶片及晶圓和基底凸起的網版印刷技術一。Flip chip bonding technology used in modern micro - photoelectron package.現代微光電子封裝中的倒裝焊技術。Fcpga flip chip pin grid array.反轉晶片針腳柵格陣列。Ic and optoelectronics packaging ; flip chip technology ; surface mount technology.積體電路及光電子封裝;倒扣晶片技術;表面貼裝技術Current research on the reaction between solder bump and under bump metallurgy systems in flip chip.倒裝晶片中凸點與凸點下金屬層反應的研究現狀。Flip chip technology has become one of the major joining technologies in electronic packaging.摘要覆晶技術已成為電子構裝中之主要接合技術之一。The current crowding effect and temperature distributions in flip chip solders are discussed.本研究亦討論在覆晶焊點中之電流聚集效應及其溫度分佈。Promote the manufacture of high value - added products , e . g . wafer fabrication , flip chip technology.增加了高附加值產品的生產,如無線電晶片、晶片等As an electric current passes through , the joule heating and electromigration effects occur in the flip chip solder bumps.當電流透過焊點時,會伴隨產生焦耳熱效應和電遷移效應。

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