  • 1 # pzyyo24296

    學校每年秋季舉辦運動會,去年運動會上我獲得第一名,我很開心。同學們通常早晨鍛鍊,做眼保健操,課後有時但籃球或踢走球,我喜歡打網球和游泳,他們使我身體健康,讓我保持心裡愉快。我喜歡看足球比賽,我最喜歡的球星是C羅,他的花樣足球很棒。我準備進行更多的鍛鍊。The school every year autumn sports meeting last year, to hold the sports meet, I won the first place, I"m very happy. Students usually take exercise in the morning, doing eye exercises, sometimes but basketball or kick the ball, I like to play tennis, swimming, they make me healthy body, let me keep a heart. I like to watch the football game, my favorite star cristiano ronaldo, he is the pattern of football. I prepare to exercise more.獨一無二哦~~~~你絕對找不到一樣的~~~

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