  • 1 # 小巷微雨溼青衫

    Purpose - Justin Bieber目的-賈斯汀·比伯Feeling like I"m breathing my last breath感覺我正在呼吸我最後的呼吸Feeling like I"m walking my last steps感覺就像我走我的最後一步Look at all of these tears I"ve wept看看所有的這些眼淚,我哭了Look at all the promises that I"ve kept看看所有的承諾,我一直保持I put my heart into your hands我把我的心放在你的手上Here"s my soul to keep這是我的靈魂保持I let you in with all that I can我讓你與我所能的一切You"re not hard to reach你不難到達And you bless me with the best gift你祝福我的最好的禮物That I"ve ever known我曾經知道You give me purpose你給我的目的Yeah you"ve given me purpose是的,你給我的目的Thinking my journey"s come to an end想我的旅程結束Sending out a farewell to my friends for inner peace向我的朋友們告別內心的平靜Ask you to forgive me for my sins oh would you please請你原諒我的罪過,請你原諒我的罪過I"m more than grateful for the time we spent my spirit"s at ease我對我精神上的安逸的時間超過感激I put my heart into your hands我把我的心放在你的手上Learn the lessons you teach學習你教的課程No matter what wherever I am無論我在何處You"re not hard to reach你不難到達And you"ve given me the best gift你給了我最好的禮物That I"ve ever known我曾經知道You give me purpose everyday你每天給我的目的You give me purpose in every way你給我的目的,在每一個方式Oh you are my everything哦,你是我的一切Oh you are my everything[哦,你是我的一切

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