  • 1 # 15速食小廚師

    Roman nose(羅馬鼻,即高鼻樑鷹鉤鼻),Greek nose或Grecian nose(希臘鼻,鼻樑筆直的鼻子)crow"s-feet 魚尾紋Grecian nose:talking of noses back to the ancient greece 4,000 years ago and basing greece now 4,000 years after i think it"s night and day. if someone tells you at present you have a grecian nose then you should straight away look the mirror. in the past when you talk of greek people they represent a certain beauty that is catching eyes an exceptional beauty due to multi mixture race, but if today someone talk to you of greek beauty if i were you i will worry. unless you never met any before then take that as a complement for me if they tell me that i will take it badly but i"m not worried i got a fine nose in any case

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