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    蝙蝠: [ biān fú ]

    1. bat



    1. 蝙蝠在夜間飛行,以昆蟲為食。

    Bats fly at night and feed on insects.

    2. 蝙蝠在暮色蒼茫的天空中飛來飛去。

    Bats flitted about in the darkening sky.

    3. 黑暗中有些蝙蝠飛翔的鬼影。

    There are some ghostly shapes of bats flitting about in the dark.

    4. 這種蝙蝠與大多數蝙蝠不同, 是在日間活動的.

    Unlike most other bats, this species is diurnal.

    5. 夜行動物, 如蝙蝠和貓頭鷹只在夜裡才出來.

    Nocturnal animals such as bats and owls only come out at night.

    6. 蝙蝠是在黎明或黃昏時分活動的動物.

    Bats are crepuscular creatures.

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