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    重新開始:restart從頭開始:from scratch讓我們重新開始學英語吧:Let"s restart to learn English.你最好從頭開始再來一遍: You"d better do that again from scratch.詞彙解析英 [riː"stɑːt];美 [,ri"stɑrt] vi. [計] 重新啟動;重新開始vt. [計] 重新啟動;重新開始n. 重新開始;返聘例:The commissioners agreed to restart talks as soon as possible.這些委員們同意儘快重新開始會談。例:The trial will restart today with a new jury.今天審訊會重新開始,一個新的陪審團會出庭。2、from scratch英 [frɒm skrætʃ] ;美 [frʌm skrætʃ]    從零開始; 從頭做起;從頭開始例:The company isn"t starting from scratch.然而海爾並非剛剛從零開始。例:I built my own home from scratch, started from scratch.我開始建設我自己的家園,一切都是從零開始。擴充套件資料近義詞1、resume英 [rɪ"zjuːm];美 [rɪ"zuːm]    v. 重新開始;再繼續n. 簡歷;履歷;摘要例:We resumed our work after a rest.休息之後我們重新開始工作。例:I tried to persuade her to resume her job as secretary.我試圖勸她重新幹她的秘書工作。2、renew英 [rɪ"njuː];美 [rɪ"nuː]    v. 重新開始;更新例:The trees renew their foliage every year.樹木每年都重新長出葉子。例:I must renew the water in the fish-tank.我一定要給魚箱重新注滿水。

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