  • 1 # pnghy36400

    雪萊,華茲華斯,濟慈,拜論.我最喜歡的是雪萊.以下是雪萊的詩,請欣賞:《On A Faded Violet 一朵枯萎的紫羅蘭 》 The odor from the flower is gone, 花的香氣已散失, Which like thy kisses breathed on me; 如你的吻對我吐露過的氣息; The color from the flower is flown, 花的顏色已經退去, Which glowed of thee, and only thee! 如你曾煥發過的明亮,只有你! A shriveled, lifeless, vacant form, 一個萎縮、無生氣的、空虛的形體, It lies on my abandoned breast, 茫然於我胸前 And mocks the heart, which yet is warm, With cold and silent rest. 以它冷漠和無聲的安息嘲弄我那仍熾熱的心。I weep ---- my tears revive it not; 我哭泣,淚水無法復活它; I sigh ---- it breathes no more on me; 我嘆息,它的氣息永遠不再; Its mute and uncomplaining lot 它沉默、無怨的命運, Is such as mine should be. 正是我所應得的。

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