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    Well,he may have done this to spite me,but I"ll go him one better.他這麼做也許是為了激惱我,但我要更勝他一籌。

    He may have done that math question before.他以前可能做過那道數學題。

    He may have done some stupid things, but we respect him just the same.他做過蠢事這不假,但我們照樣尊敬他。

    Nobody could imagine she would have done this to me.誰也沒有想到,她會這樣對我。

    He may have overslept this morning.今天早上他或許睡過頭了。

    He might have done it better if he had put his mind to his work.如果他專心致志的話,他可以做得更好。

    He may have abandoned Bush-era phrases such as “the war on terror”.But he has done little to unwind that war.他可能已經放棄了布什時代的一些字句,諸如“反恐戰爭”,但是他卻對結束那場戰爭所做甚少。

    You may have to wriggle around a bit to do this.在這一個過程中,你可能得四處扭動身體。

    Kunta wondered why the white people had done this to him.孔塔不知道白人為什麼要這樣對待他。

    Yea, and they have done this to me. They polluted my sanctuary on the same day, and profaned my sabbaths.此外,她們還對我行了這事:在那一天她們還玷汙了我的聖所,褻瀆了我的安息日,

    Corbett got in a downward header at the far post and Banim again shot wide when he might have done better.此後科爾貝特在遠門柱頭球回敲,又是巴尼姆跟上射門打偏,而他本有機會更好地處理這個球。

    A gentleman may have money or may sponge on his friends; the criterion of a gentleman is that however poor he may be he still refuses to do useful work.紳士可能有錢、或者可能依賴朋友過活; 紳士的準則是,無論他怎麼窮也罷,他依然是拒絕做任何有用的工作的。

    He may have gone to Japan, to China, or wherever.他或許已經到日本,中國或什麼地方了。

    He was not to do this to her, it was monstrous.他無權這樣對待她,這太惡毒了。

    He may have to qualify some goals.他有時不得不修改某些目標。

    You don"t have to do this to impress me.他們要想跟蹤我們就太瘋了!

    The tea is hot; he may have been here before.茶還熱著,不久前他很可能在這裡。

    Sethi: Then why are you forcing me to destroy you? What evil has done this to you?塞提:那為什麼逼我殺了你?是什麼邪惡的力量將你變成這樣了?

    He may have gone to Japan,to China,or wherever.他或許已經到日本,中國或什麼地方了。

    When a person is ill he may have to be humo(u)red.在一個人生病時, 他需要別人遷就他。

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