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    3.fellow men ============== 1.All the countrymen were in a state of great excitement. 全體老鄉都非常興奮。 2.The villagers, full of hate in their eyes, stared the traitor down. 眼裡充滿仇恨的老鄉們,盯得那個叛徒垂了眼睛。 3.He had not taught for the good of his fellow men. 他那時的教學並不是為老鄉們造福。

    4.They often visit the villager home after work. 他們下工後常到老鄉家串門。

    5.The villagers stalled off the enemy patrols for ten minutes so that the guerrillas could safely get away. 老鄉們用計把敵人的巡邏隊拖住了十分鐘,使游擊隊員們得以安全脫身。

    6. While Peng was resting, he called in the Mohammedan peasants. 彭休息的時候,請回民老鄉進來。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 開闊眼界的書?