  • 1 # 遲到的環境更多


    Seeing is believing. 眼見為實。

    To see is to believe. 眼見為實。

    Your work needs correcting. 你寫的東西需要修改。

    Your work needs to be corrected. 你寫的東西要修改。(用動詞不定式的時候,要用被動式來表現)

    I prefer staying indoors on cold winter evenings. 在冬天的夜晚我寧願待在家裡。

    I prefer to stay indoors on cold winter evenings. 在冬天的夜晚我寧願待在家裡。



    I scorn telling lies. 我蔑視說謊。

    I scorn to tell a lie. 我不屑於說謊。

    I hate smoking. 我討厭吸菸。

    I hate to smoke. 我不愛吸菸。


    Playing with fire is dangerous. 玩火危險。(泛指玩火)

    To play with fire will be dangerous. 玩火會發生危險。(指一具體動作)

    Talking for hours at a stretch is more exhausting than you seem to think. 一連講幾個小時的話會比你似乎想象的要累。(泛指講話)

    To talk for hours at a stretch is more exhausting than you seem to think. 你一連講幾個小時的話可比你似乎想象的要累。(指一個人的感受)

    3)在某些動詞之後只能用動名詞,而另一些動詞之後只能用不定式。常後接動名詞的動詞有acknowledge,admit,advocate,avoid,consider,contemplate,defer,delay,deny,dislike,enjoy,escape,evade,fancy,finish,grudge,imagine,include,keep,mind,miss,postpone,practise,recall,recollect,repent,resent,resist,risk,stop,suggest等;短語動詞有give up等。





    The boy tried moving the heavy sofa. 這男孩試著搬動那張很重的沙發。(try意為“試”)

    The boy tried to move the heavy sofa. 這男孩試圖搬動那張很重的沙發。(try意為“試圖”或“企圖”)

    I regret not taking good care of myself. 我懊悔沒好好照料我自己。(動名詞taking care of 指過去)

    I regret to say that I can"t help you. 我很抱歉,不能幫助你。(不定式to say指現在)

    I couldn’t help laughing at the way he pronounced the sound. 他發這個音的樣子,我忍不住要笑。(help後接動名詞意謂“避免”)

    I can’t help to clean the place up. 我不能幫助打掃這地方。(help後接不定式意謂“幫助”)

    She proposes catching the early train. 她建議趕早班火車。

    She proposes to catch the early train. 她打算去趕早班火車。

    This means helping you. 這意味著幫助你。(mean後接動名詞意謂“意味著”)

    This means to help you. 這意在幫你。(mean在此後接不定式意謂“意在”)


    He stopped eating breakfast. 他停止了吃早餐。(stop在此是及物動詞,動名詞eating是賓語)

    He stopped to have a cup of coffee. 他停下來喝一杯咖啡。(stop在此是不及物動詞,不定式to have用作目的狀語)

    He quit smoking last week. 他上星期戒了煙。(quit在此是及物動詞,動名詞smoking是賓語)

    At noon the men quit to eat. 中午工人們停下來吃飯。(quit在此是不及物動詞,不定式to eat用作目的狀語)

    短語動詞go on後接的動名詞與不定式不僅其句子功用不同,其含義亦不一樣。試比較:

    They went on talking. 他們繼續談著。(動名詞talking是賓語,意謂不停地談下去)

    They went on to talk about other matters. 他們接著又談別的事情。(不定式to talk是目的狀語,意謂接著做另一件事)


    I remember locking the door last night. 我記得昨晚把門鎖上了。(locking表已完成的動作)

    Remember to lock the door. 記得要鎖門。(to lock表未完成的動作)

    He enjoys visiting. 他對訪問感到愉快。(visiting表已完成的動作)

    He expects to visit. 他期望訪問。(to visit表未完成的動作)


    I forgot to hear her song. 我忘記聽她唱歌了。

    He has forgotten to pay back the money he borrowed. 他忘記還所借的款。


    Never will I forget hearing her song. 我將永遠不會忘記聽她唱的歌。

    Will you ever forget hearing her sing? 你會忘記聽她的歌唱嗎?


    I forget mailing it. 我忘記已把它寄出去了。


    I forgot about hearing her song. 我忘記已聽她唱歌了。


    I forgot that I had heard her song. 我忘記已聽她唱歌了。

    7)在含有cannot(could not)的否定結構中,有的動詞須後接動名詞,有的動詞則多後接不定式。如:

    I can’t stand being kept waiting. 我不堪久候。(can’t stand後接動名詞)

    She could not forbear to cry out. 她不由得喊叫起來。(could not forbear後接不定式)


    I won’t bear thinking of. 我不堪被人惦著。

    I won’t bear to be thought about.

    It needs repairing. 它需要修理。

    It needs to be repaired.


    It started raining. 開始下雨了。

    It started to rain.

    I fear offending her. 我害怕冒犯她。

    I fear to offend her.

    10)在should(would) like,love等之後須用不定式。如:

    I’d like to thank you again. 我願再次感謝你。

    I’d love to come sometime. 日後我願意來的。


    The students have begun planning to open a class on the correct use of English words for workers in nearby factories. 學生們已開始計劃為附近工廠的工人開辦一個正確運用英文單字的班。(這裡用動名詞planning顯然較好,如用不定式to plan則很難上口)

    It is beginning to rain. 開始下雨了。(begin用了進行時,後面的動詞只能用動詞不定式)


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