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    And if only one thing had happened differently,

    if that shoelace hadn"t broken,

    or that delivery truck had moved moments earlier,

    or that package had been wrapped and ready , because the girl hadn"t broken up with her boyfriend,

    or that man had set his alarm and got up five minutes earlier,

    or that taxi driver hadn"t stopped for a cup of coffee,

    or that woman had remembered her coat and had gotten into an earlier cab,

    Daisy and her friend would have crossed the street.

    And the taxi would have driven by.

    But life being what it is,

    a series of intersecting lives and incidents,

    out of anyone"s control,

    that taxi did not go by,

    and that driver was momentarily distracted.

    And that taxi hit Daisy.









    You could be mad as a mad dogat the way things went.

    You can swear and curse the fates...

    But when it comes to the end...

    You have to let go.


    For what it"s worth,it"s never to late,or in my case,too early,to be whoever you want to be.

    There is no time limit,start whenever you want.

    You can change or stay the same.

    There are no rules to this thing.

    We can make the best or the worst of it.

    I hope you make the best of it.

    And I hope you see things that startle you.

    I hope you feel things you never felt before.

    I hope you meet people with a different point of view.

    I hope you live a life you"re proud of.

    If you find that you"re not,

    I hope you have the strenght to start all over again.


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