Mansa Musa芒薩姆薩。馬裡的芒薩姆薩。西非最著名的統治者。他是一個穆斯林,非常傳統,但也很公正的國王。他組織去麥迦朝聖,並送去許多極為珍貴的禮品。 Mansa MusaMansa Kankan Musa I or Mansa Musa or The Lion of Mali was a 14th century king of the Mali Empire. He is remembered for his fabled hajj and as a benefactor of Islamic scholarship.Musa was the grandson of the founder of the Mali"s Empire, Sundiata Keita, and ruled over Mali while it was the source of almost half the world"s gold. Musa was a devoted Muslim and Islamic scholarship flourished under his rule. With Musa as a benefactor, Sankore University in Timbuktu reached its height. Craftsmen and especially Islamic scholars came from all over the Muslim world to receive a free education at Sankore"s guilds and madrasas.
Mansa Musa芒薩姆薩。馬裡的芒薩姆薩。西非最著名的統治者。他是一個穆斯林,非常傳統,但也很公正的國王。他組織去麥迦朝聖,並送去許多極為珍貴的禮品。 Mansa MusaMansa Kankan Musa I or Mansa Musa or The Lion of Mali was a 14th century king of the Mali Empire. He is remembered for his fabled hajj and as a benefactor of Islamic scholarship.Musa was the grandson of the founder of the Mali"s Empire, Sundiata Keita, and ruled over Mali while it was the source of almost half the world"s gold. Musa was a devoted Muslim and Islamic scholarship flourished under his rule. With Musa as a benefactor, Sankore University in Timbuktu reached its height. Craftsmen and especially Islamic scholars came from all over the Muslim world to receive a free education at Sankore"s guilds and madrasas.