  • 1 # 離得苦樂往生淨土

    Sleep buaety

    Dream, the only way that I can see you夢,只有這樣,我可以看到你

    Dream, the only place for me to find you夢,是我唯一可以找到你的地方.

    At night, the stars are shining bright在晚上,那些星星光輝點點閃動.

    I start closing my eyes, you then appear我開始閉上我的眼睛,然後你會出現.

    Though you can"t imagine how much I want you儘管你不能想象我有多想你.

    and you won"t pay attention on my love for you你也不會注意我給你的愛.

    but now, I"m searching deep inside但現在,我在裡面深深地找尋.

    And I realise that I only 我逐漸意識到

    get you in my mind我只能在心裡擁有你.

    I am so lonely..My heart is empty我是如此的憂鬱,我的心是空空的.

    But I still try my best to remember you told me但我仍然竭盡全力去回想你告訴我的那些.

    Since a girl like me can never catch your eyes自從那個像我的女孩永遠不能留住你的眼神.

    When I wake up from my dream .當我從夢中醒來時.

    then you"ll say goodbye然後你就說了再見.

    I"m the Sleeping Beauty and had slept for hundred years我是那個已經沉睡了千年的美人.

    I"m the Sleeping Beauty who are waiting you right here我是那個在這裡長久等候的美人.

    I love you, can"t you hear?我愛你,你聽得到嗎?

    I can"t explain so clear我不能用言語來表明.

    Losing you is all I fear.失去你是我所害怕的一切.

    Words can never help to tell I miss you.言語難以表達我想你.

    words can never let you know im so blue.言語難以讓你明白我是如此的憂鬱.

    Yes I can never tell you why是的我不能告訴你為什麼.

    I"ll just think of you and I..then smile。我只是想象著你和我在一起,然後微笑.


    There"s only your love can wash my tears 只有你的愛能洗去我的淚痕

    And I wish I can always stay by thee 我只是希望我可以永遠呆在你的身旁.

    You"re the one I"m longing for.. 你是我想的那個人.

    You lie within my core 你留在我的心裡面.

    Can I dream of you once more我還能再夢見你一次嗎?

    And I wish I can always stay by thee 我只是希望我可以永遠呆在你的身旁.

    You"re the one I"m longing for.. 你是我想的那個人.

    You lie within my core 你留在我的心裡面.

    Can I dream of you once more我還能再夢見你一次嗎?

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