  • 1 # 寶寶老闆2019

      元旦文藝演出主持詞(中英文對照版本)  女1:金雞高鳴,啼破驕陽,吐故納新;  The rooster is singing loudly, which means it’s a year to get rid of the stale and take in the fresh.  男1:戌狗奔來,鼎故辭舊,永珍更新。  The dog is running , which means everything will look fresh and gay in the Year of Dog.  男2:滿天的雪花,是飛舞的音符,以歡樂譜成樂章,用祝福奏出期盼,帶給你,歡欣鼓舞的一年!  The snowflakes in the sky are like the dancing notes which compose a happy movement and predicts a wonderful and encouraging new year for all of us .  女2:讓我們一起靜靜地等待:未來、希望和光明就要敲響春天的鐘……  So let’s wait quietly for the spring bell from the Future, the Hope and the Brightness.  男1:檯曆翻去最後一頁,2005年即將成為歷史。回首時光年輪上又一度春秋寒暑,我們不禁感慨萬千。  Turning over the last page of the calender, the year 2005 will become the history . Looking back to the past year, we are full of all sorts of feelings well up in our minds.  女2:剛剛邁越的365個晝夜,彷佛是365個臺階,橫亙在未及塵封的歷史上。  The past 365 days and nights seem like 365 steps which have been recorded in the history .  男2:汗水,曾澆開多少成功的花;努力,曾換來多少喜悅的笑,回首走過的路,欣慰洋溢在你我心頭。  Our efforts have come up with great achievements and a lot of happy smiles. Looking back, we are all gratified .  女1:春已歸來,讓我們開啟蜂箱吧,那裡有儲存了一冬的甜蜜。今天,就讓我們乘著歌聲的翅膀,向著明天——飛翔!  Spring has been back. Let’s open the bee box where there’s so much honey stored over the winter. So today, let’s fly towards the future with the melody of the songs.  男2:華東師大一附初中2006年辭舊迎新元旦文藝演出現在開始。  The New Year’s Day Celebration by No. 1 Junior Middle School Affiliated to East China Normal University , now begins !  男:歲末歲首,正是祝福的時候,  It’s the best time to give regards at the beginning and ending of the year.  女:過去的一年,我們有歡樂也有遺憾,而此時此刻,就讓我們虔誠地祝福,  We had both happiness and regret in the past year. Now , let’s sincerely bless  男:為我們華初祝福,為新年祝福,為未來祝福。  Bless our Huachu, bless the new year and our future  女:請聽,校合唱隊為我們帶來的精彩節目,合唱《東方之珠》《太陽——熟透的蘋果》  指揮李紅老師,鋼琴伴奏陳欣如、張樂東。  Well, let’s enjoy the wonderful programs by our School Choir. Master: Ms.李紅Piano Accompanist: 陳欣如、張樂東  女:新春將至,我們祝願我們偉大的祖國更加繁榮昌盛,  The New Spring is round the corner. We wish our great motherland prosperity day by day  男:祝願我們的華初湧現出更多的才俊,創造更多的佳績,  We wish our Huachu will bring up more talents and create more achievements  女:祝願在座的嘉賓、老師、同學快樂幸福!  We wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, schoolmates present happiness!  男:華初藏龍臥虎,人才濟濟,男生相聲說得好,女生貫口也出彩,請聽包世燁同學為我們表演的貫口:《報書名》  Indeed, Huachu is full of talents. Some boy students are good at peforming cross talks and girls as well. So let’s invite 包世燁to give us a the performance.  男:華初的教師才氣逼人,講臺上他們各領風騷,生活中他們關愛學生,那麼舞臺上的他們呢?一樣燃燒著激情,一樣擁有著時尚的韻律美。請欣賞教師舞蹈隊給我們帶來的韻律舞:《燃燒的激情》  It is known that the teachers in Huachu are gifted with talent far beyond the average persons in class. Then what about their performances on the stage ? Next, shall we enjoy the rhyming dance by our Teachers’ Dancing Group ?  女:進入華初,熱愛華初,華初是我們夢想的起點,華初為我們展示才華搭建著舞臺,華初管樂隊培養了一批又一批出色的管樂人才。請聽管樂隊三位優秀的號手白奕忻、朱詩云、何雄飛精心準備的節目:小號三重奏《號手的假日》。  Studying in Huachu has become the beginning of our dream and we love her very much because she provides us a good opportunity to demonstrate ourselves. For example, the orchestra has produced plenty of outstanding students. OK, shall we share the trumpet trio elaborately prepared by 白奕忻、朱詩云、何雄飛 ?  男:如果說往年我們的聯歡會節目難忘,那麼,我們的每一臺節目最亮彩的,一定是我校共建單位91962部隊的解放軍叔叔阿姨為我們帶來的節目,今天他們又帶來了兩首歌曲,讓我們掌聲歡迎。  Dear friends, do you still remember the programs by the soldiers from PLA Unit 91962 at the previous get-together ? Today, they are going to sing us another 2 songs


    suggest giving them our warmest applause.  女:一代又一代的革命者和建設者的努力,打造了我們今天富饒的中國,我們幸運,因為我們生長在這個古老而又永遠年輕的國度;  We are lucky because we are living in an age-old but young and prosperous nation through the revolutionists and builders’ struggle and efforts generation after generation.  男:我們驕傲,因為我們有一個偉大的祖國,新年到了,我們最想說的話就是,  We are proud because we have a great motherland. As the new year arrives, we want to say:  合:祖國,我為您祝福,祖國,我為您喝彩!  China, I shall give my best regards to you; China, I shall give my cheers for you  男:大家都知道2008年我們將迎來奧運會,而2010年的世界博覽會也將歡迎來自全球的朋友們,剛才有人告訴我,甚至連外星人也想來上海世博會上走一走,看一看,您瞧,正說著,他們就來了……  As you know, the Olympic Games will be held in 2008. And friends from all over the world will visit The Shanghai World Expo. Just now someone told me that even the aliens will be present . You see, they’re coming……  男:剛才初二4班同學表演的外語小品《外星人上海世博會之行》榮獲上海迎世博“忘不了杯”首屆中學生英語情景劇創作及表演大賽表演二等獎,創作三等獎。今天我們欣賞的是其中幾個片段。英語小品登上我們的元旦舞臺還是第一次,讓我們再次用掌聲鼓勵他們。  The English Short Play called Aliens’ Visit to the Shanghai World Expo was performed by Class 4, Grade 2 . And the play won the second prize in Shanghai Middle School Student English Short Play Performance Competition in honour of World Expo


    ’ve just enjoyed a few episodes of it. I suggest we give our warmest applause once more as it’s the first time for us to watch the English play at the NewYear’s Day Get-together.  女:世博會迎來世人矚目,作為上海的中學生,我們要腳踏實地,刻苦努力,多學本領,等到上海世博會召開之時,我們將盡我們的綿薄之力,為世博添彩。  The World Expo attracts worldwide attention. So I think ,as middle school students, we should work hard to contribute ourselves to the world Expo.  男:是的,我們是幸福的一代,我們生活在燦爛的Sunny下;  It’s true that we are a generation full of happiness ;  女:是的,我們是富有活力的一代,我們生活在燦爛的Sunny下;  It’s true that we are a generation full of vigour.  男:我們擁有激情,我們擁有夢想;  We are enthusiastic; We have dreams;  女:我們青春健美,我們意氣風發。  We are young and healthy, we have inspiration .  男:請欣賞歌舞表演《在燦爛的Sunny下》。演唱唐慧倩等,伴舞:校舞蹈隊。  Therefore, let’s welcome 唐慧倩‘s performance called “In the Bright Sunshine”. Dance accompaniment: Our School Dancing Group.  男:心存感恩,才會使我們的生命更加厚重;  To learn to thank others makes our life more valuable;  女:心存感恩,才會使我們的道德根基長存。  To learn to thank others makes our morality permanent.  男:吃水不忘挖井人,成功不忘擺渡人,我們的點滴進步,有老師的心血付出,我們的智慧開發,離不開老師的辛勤耕耘。  As the saying goes, “ When we drink water from the well, we shall never forget the person who digs the well.” You know, our progress lies in our teachers’ diligent cultivation.  女:華初的教師隊伍中,有一批不但教藝精深,而且擔負著培養青年教師任務的老教師,他們老驥伏櫪,志在教育,他們的高風亮節,感人心田,催人奮進,讓我們為華初的老教師們唱一首讚歌。  I’m sure you have ever noticed some old teachers in our school who are old but they still cherish high aspirations in teaching as well as bringing up the young teachers. Therefore, shall we sing a song of praise for them ?  男:請欣賞配樂詩朗誦《贊老教師》作者徐賦葆老師,朗誦:袁楊玲等  Would you please cherish a poem recitation with the music, written by Mr. 徐賦葆Performers are 袁楊玲 and other students.  男:江南好,風景舊曾諳,日出江花紅勝火,春來江水綠如藍,能不憶江南。這自然之景如詩如畫,春天到了,好想現在就到江南走走。  Everyone knows that south of the reaches of the Changjiang River is a picturesque and poetic destination for many people. When spring comes, many people want to enjoy the beautiful scenery.  女:我說呀,江南雖美,美不過人,這世界上最美的還是人,你看人類身上擁有智慧美、自信美、形象美、時尚美、心靈美、情操美、語言美……  You are right. The destination is really beautiful, but I think humans are the most beautiful because humans have such virtues as confidence, wisdom , morality and…  男:還有青春美!  Yes, and the beauty of youth!  女:同意我的觀點?  So you agree with me ?  男:讓我再想想。  Let me see.  女:別想了!我讓你欣賞欣賞由校舞蹈隊給大家帶來的當代舞《燦爛的青春》,你一定會陶醉的!  OK, why not appreciate the modern dance called “The Brilliant Youth” by our school Dancing Group. I’m sure you will be intoxicated with it.  男:真美!那優美的舞姿,青春的朝氣,雄勁的動作,讓我不得不歎服!不過,王亞老師的歌聲美也是眾人皆知,令人讚歎不已的。今天他將與初二6班的曹一文同學師生同臺演唱兩首歌曲。大家歡迎。  Wonderful performance, isn’t it ? However, Mr 王亞is famous for his sweet voice. Today he is invited to sing two songs with 曹一文, a student from Class6, Grade 2. Welcome  男:新年的鐘聲就要敲響,慶典的序曲正要奏響,  The bell for the new year is soon to strike; The overture for the ceremony is soon to play.  女:讓我們伴著管樂隊的樂曲,祝福我們的祖國更加強大昌盛,祝福我們的華初  With the accompaniment music of our school band, let’s wish our motherland more prosperity and our Huachu  合:更加鬱鬱蔥蔥。  More verdure .  女:新春的腳步已在耳畔響起。  The footsteps of the new spring are nearer and nearer.  男:是啊,春天是“春色滿園關不住,一枝紅杏出牆來”。  Yes, you are right.  女:春天是“西塞山前白鷺飛,桃花流水鱖魚肥”。  男:盼新春,望新春,道不盡心中憧憬無限。  Looking forward to the coming of the new spring, we are full of hope.  女:賀新春,唱新春,說不完心中歡樂無限。  Celebrating the new spring, we are full of happiness.  男:聯歡會的帷幕即將拉上,但是我們知道,在華初的這塊沃土上,我們將更加茁壯成長。  Though the Get-together is about to end, we still know we are reaching more maturity.  女:讓我們衷心祝福我們的嘉賓、老師在新的一年裡工作順利,家庭幸福!  Wish each of our distinguished guests and teachers a successful career and a happy family.  男:祝福我們的同學學習進步,再創佳績。  Wish our schoolmates great progress and more achievements.  女:祝福我們的華初,在新的一年裡,  Wish our Huachu a more splendid future  合:再攀高峰,再創輝煌。  In the new year.  男:華東師大一附初中2006年辭舊迎新元旦文藝演出到此結束。  That’s all for the New Year’s Day Celebration by No. 1 Junior Middle School Affiliated to East China Normal University. Thank you for being with us.

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