  • 1 # Joy努力的小螞蟻


    Jesus loves me! this I know,

    For the Bible tells me so.

    Little ones to Him belong;

    they are weak but He is strong.

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    The Bible tells me so.

    Jesus loves me! loves me still,

    "tho I"m very weak and ill,

    that I might from sin be free,

    bled and died upon the tree.

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    The Bible tells me so.

    Jesus loves me! He who died

    heaven"s gate to open wide;

    He will wash away my sin,

    let His little child come in.

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    The Bible tells me so.

    Jesus loves me! He will stay

    close beside me all the way.

    Thou hast bled and died for me,

    I will henceforth live for Thee.

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    The Bible tells me so.

    Jesus loves me when I"m good.

    When I do the things I should.

    Jesus loves me when I"m bad,

    but it makes him oh so sad.

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    Yes, Jesus loves me!

    The Bible tells me so.

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