  • 1 # Tiekt鐵鐵

    a three person family 或者 a three member family 補充一下:英語跟中文一樣, 同一種意思可以有許多種不同的表達方式, 給你回覆的人說的都對,除了a family which has three people,這句話語法有點問題,不是太恰當,person 是單數, people 是複數,三個人, 每一個人都是不同而且單數的, 應該說:a family which has three person. 如果想用複數 , 除非是三個人都一樣,比如說, a family which has three girls. 家裡有三個女兒, 三個女兒性別等等都是相同的,用複數. 我想你指的一家三口肯定指的, 你, 你母親, 你父親, 三個不同的人。 所以用單數較好。A family which has three person .實際上 除此之外, 一家三口有許多不同的表達方式, 向;A family with three person/member, a family having three person/ member , a family consisting of three person …等等,我原來只給出a three person family 或者 a three member family, 是因為覺得他們最好,國外跟中國一樣, 語言講究簡潔, 句子越短越好, 無論口語還是新聞, 他們通常說a three person family 或者 a three member family, 其中a three person family說的更多一些, 所以我把它擺在第一位。

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