  • 1 # higzz42070

    變化規則  大多數形容詞和副詞有比較級和高階的變化,即原級、比較級和高階,用來表示事物的等級差別。原級即形容詞的原形,比較級和高階有規則變化和不規則變化兩種。  (1)單音節詞加詞尾-er,-est來構成比較級和高階。  tall(高的)  taller  tallest  great(巨大的) greater  greatest  (2)以不發音的e結尾的單音節詞只加-r,-st   nice(好的)  nicer  nicest  large(大的)   larger  largest  able(有能力的) abler  ablest  (3)以一個子音字母結尾的閉音節單音節詞,雙寫結尾的子音字母,再加-er,-est  big(大的)  bigger  biggest  hot熱的)  hotter  hottest  red紅色的 redder reddest  (4)"以子音字母+y"結尾的雙音節詞,改y為i,再加-er,-est  easy(容易的)  easier  easiest  busy(忙的)  busier  busiest  (5)以ly結尾的副詞,除early-earlier-earliest,其他都是加more most.  Slowly-more slowly-most slowly  Bravely-more bravely-most bravely  quickly-more quickly-most quickly  (6)少數以-er,-ow結尾的雙音節詞未尾加-er,-est  clever(聰明的) cleverer cleverest  narrow(窄的) narrower narrowest  (7)其他雙音節詞和多音節詞在前面加more,most來構成比較級和高階。如:  important(重要的) more important  most important  easily(容易地) more easily   most easily  (8)一些詞的比較級和高階,可以加-er或 -est,也可以加more或most,如:clever, polite等。  (9) 不規則變化   有一些詞的比較級、高階變化是不規則的,需要特殊記憶。如:  good / well→better→best  bad / ill/badly→worse→worst  many / much→more→most  little→less→least  far→farther→farthest(表示距離) / far→further→furthest (表示程度)  old→older / elder→oldest (表示新舊或年齡) / eldest (表示兄弟姐妹之間的長幼關係)  副詞的比較級和高階的構成規則和形容詞比較級和高階的構成規則一樣,所不同的是:形容詞高階前面必須用the,而副詞的高階前面的the可帶可不帶。  一些詞本身沒有比較級和高階形式,如:right, wrong, full, empty, round, complete, wooden, dead, daily等。  long-longer-longest  young-younger-youngest  old-older/elder-oldest/eldest  short-shorter-shortest  high-higher-highest  deep-deeper-deepest  small-smaller-smallest  big-bigger-biggest  tall-taller-tallest  loud-louder-loudest  low-lower-lowest  thin-thiner-thinest  fat-fatter-fattest  great-greater-greatest  nice-nicer-nicest  happy-happier-happiest  heavy-heavier-heaviest  cheap-cheaper-cheapest  near-nearer-nearest  clean-dleaner-cleanest  few-fewer-fewest  late-later-latest  angry-angrier-angriest  busy-busier-busiest  lazy-lazier-laziest  hot-hotter-hottest  glad-gladder-gladdest  clear-clearer-clearest  strong-stronger-strongest  lucky-luckier-luckiest  interesting-moreinteresting-most interesting  difficult-more difficult-most difficult  expensive-more expensive-most expensive  形容詞比較級的用法  1. 兩者比較時用形容詞比較級,其結構為“... 比較級 + than ...”。如:Actions speak louder than words.  2. 在兩者之間選擇“哪一個更……”時,用句型“Which / Who is +比較級, ... or ...?”。如:Which sweater is cheaper, the red one or the yellow one?  3. 表示“兩者之間……的一個”時,用“the + 比較級”。如:Lucy is the taller of the twins.  4. 表示“越……,越……”時,用“the + 比較級,the + 比較級”。如:The more you eat, the fatter you will become.  5. 表示“越來越……”時,用“比較級 + and + 比較級”,多音節詞和部分雙音節詞用“more and more + 形容詞原級”。如:We should make our country more and more beautiful.  6. 形容詞比較級前可以用下列詞修飾:much, a little, far, a bit, a few, a lot, even, still, rather等。如:It"s much colder today than yesterday.  形容詞高階的用法  1. 三者或三者以上的人或物進行比較時,用形容詞高階形式。形容詞高階前通常需加定冠詞the,句末常接in / of短語來表示範圍。如:He is the strongest of all the boys.  2. 表示“……之一”時,用“one of + the + 高階”。如:The light bulb is one of the most helpful inventions.  3. 形容詞高階前可以由物主代詞、指示代詞、名詞所有格等修飾,此時不用定冠詞the。如:Yesterday is her happiest day in her life  修飾語  1. 比較級的修飾語  Much(……得多),far(……得多),even(甚至,更),still(更),a bit(有點),a little(有點),a lot(很), a great deal(大大地), twice(兩倍), five times(五倍), two-fifths(五分之二), a half(一半)等修飾比較級表示程度,但決不可用very修飾。  eg. Tom is a little taller than Mike. Tom比Mike稍高一點;  It is even colder today than yesterday. 今天甚至比昨天更冷  2.高階的修飾語  By far/ far and away ,很 much ……得多 almost 幾乎 nearly 幾乎  另外,second, third, next 等也要放在定冠詞之後。如:  The Yellow River is the second longest in China.  黃河是中國的第二大河。  This is the third largest building in this city.  這是這個城市裡第三大的建築物。  The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.  黃河是中國第二長河。  This is (by) far the best book that I"ve ever read.  這是我讀過的好的書。  詞彙積累是英語學習的基礎,詞彙量的多少直接影響到學生的英語寫作及口語水平,提高英語單詞的記憶效率是進行高效英語學習的基石。

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