  • 1 # 我造了自己的世界

    My Biggest Problem

    You know that everybody will make different kinds of mistakes throught their lives, which is such a common phenomenon around us. And I`ve recognised that I also have some

    shortcomings, of which the biggest one is my careless. I`m rather affected by it both in my study and in my daily life. I`m always worrying about it, but I couldn`t control it well as what I thought for most of time. The following are my problems:

    In my study, I often failed in writting the right answers to the questions in my paper, though I knew what were the right ones. As a result, I would get the lower marks than I should have got.

    You may say to me "it`s really a pitty". Yeah, I agree with you.

    Then in the daily life, you know what always happened to me just because of my careless? There were so many things that I could tell you, such as forgetting to take the keys when I went out, leaving the important books in the room, which I needed for class, remmembering the the wrong dates of appo

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