  • 1 # 春門時尚

    亞洲美容美髮協會《Asia Hair & Beauty》最新發布的適合亞洲肌膚的10款補水保溼護膚品排行榜,咱們護膚中最重要的一步就是補水保溼,這樣才可以讓肌膚不老,讓面板有光澤,同樣的一個蘋果大家都看到過,乾癟和水嫩的完全是兩個樣子,下面10款補水產品確實都非常好用,而且有幾款都是天然的護膚品,值得收藏。

    1 SK2 immortal water

    A bottle of Yan Yan, to witness the transformation of the skin, you can also. Using SK-II immortal water, the skin will experience the perfect change, and it will gradually become bright and clear.

    1 sk2 神仙水


    2 natural paradise of Aloe Vera

    Aloe gum is commonly known as "universal glue", and aloe glue can activate cell vitality, delay skin aging, converge, harmonize skin, nourish skin and protect skin. It is a beauty product.

    2 自然樂園蘆薈膠


    3 Zeefine snail mask

    This natural snail raw liquid from the the Yellow River old road in Henan, China, supplies more than ten years of snail raw material for South Korea"s Yi and France. The natural snail liquid is used to repair the damaged skin and skin. It is called the skin care gold liquid. This year, it has replaced the South Korean skin care product award in COSME.

    3 宣致蝸牛原液麵膜


    4 Kose snow fine make-up water

    Excellent and bright, penetrating, Chinese classic make-up water. It contains the Chinese herbal plant Sichuan Valley seed, East angelica root melon root extract essence (moisturizing) beauty muscle lotion.

    4 雪肌精化妝水

    卓越透亮,滲透潤澤,漢方經典化妝水。蘊含漢方植物川穀籽 東當歸根 瓜根提取物精華(保溼)的美肌化妝水。

    5 Pechoin moisturizing lotion

    The moisturizing essence emulsion is designed to protect the skin from water balance. We optimized the natural five row herbal extracts of Rhodiola, motherwort, honeysuckle and so on to replenish the water.

    5 百雀羚草本保溼乳液


    6 FANCL replenishment water milk

    Lock the moisture with a smooth, smooth skin on the skin and open the lock film to keep the skin moist and refreshing. Enhance skin smoothness, activate and repair dry cells, and keep skin moist and crystal clear.

    6 FANCL補水水乳

    鎖緊水分 用感清潤柔滑 於肌膚表面開成鎖水薄膜,保持肌膚持久水潤,用感清爽。 提升肌膚柔滑感,活化修護乾燥細胞,持續保持肌膚水嫩晶瑩。

    7 MUJI muscle using make-up water

    Colorless and tasteless, alcohol free. It"s refreshing, so there"s no sticky feeling. But after wet compress, his face still felt a sense of existence. No irritation, it is very suitable for daily moisturizing of sensitive muscles.

    7 無印良品敏感肌用化妝水


    8 CHCEDO snow field essence Moisturizing Emulsion

    The extract of rare plants can supplement the skin with abundant moisture and nourish the skin, help the skin to improve the ability to resist the invasion of the outside world, reduce the bad and changeable environment, the skin is lubricated and full, and gives out the natural and healthy gloss and vitality.

    8 自然堂雪域精粹滋潤乳液


    9 musculocutaneous moisturizing water

    With double hyaluronic acid, it can penetrate and moisten the cuticle deeply, moisturize the skin instantly, make the skin more tender and smooth, lock the water and keep the moisture needed to replenish the skin.

    9 肌研極潤保溼水


    10 Laneige nocturnal water supplement mask

    Moisturizing, lightening skin, relieving pressure, product concept, light gel texture night repair water lock mask.

    10 蘭芝夜間補水面膜


  • 2 # 辣條君137579950


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