  • 1 # 妍老公98725

    介詞後面動詞作賓語時一定要用ing形式。如:1.He is good at singing . = He does well in singing . 他擅長於唱歌。2 .He is looking forward to hearing from his parents . 他正盼望著收到他父母親的來信。3. He goes to school without having breakfast every morning . 他每天早上沒吃早餐就上學。拓展(介詞的用法):1、介詞+名詞,如:at school,at home,on the desk/wall 。 2、介詞+動名詞(doing ) 如:He is good at playing football. 3、介詞+表示時間的詞(固定用法) :in the morning/afternoon / evening ; at noon /night; at six o"clock . 4、介詞+人名:如: We are all here except Jim . 5、介詞+名詞性短語:如:The composition is very good except for a few spelling mistakes.

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