勇氣 n. valour, valor, courage, nerve, audacity 有人諷刺這位將軍缺乏勇氣。Somebody made a crack that cast doubt on the general’s courage.勇氣過人excel in courage大膽地正視這一局面需要很大的勇氣。It takes a great deal of courage to face the situation bravely.他的勇氣受到考驗。His courage was put to the test.我佩服他的勇氣。I admire him for his courage.缺乏勇氣lack courage他的談話顯示了很大的勇氣。His conversation evinced great courage.他在最後一刻失去了勇氣。His courage failed him at the last moment.我十分佩服你的勇氣。I greatly admire your courage.我欽佩她的勇氣。I admire her for her courage.我真佩服老先生的勇氣。I truly admire the old man’s courage.你有勇氣去問他嗎?Do you have the courage to go and ask him?他的勇氣是與生俱來的。He was born with bravery.
勇氣 n. valour, valor, courage, nerve, audacity 有人諷刺這位將軍缺乏勇氣。Somebody made a crack that cast doubt on the general’s courage.勇氣過人excel in courage大膽地正視這一局面需要很大的勇氣。It takes a great deal of courage to face the situation bravely.他的勇氣受到考驗。His courage was put to the test.我佩服他的勇氣。I admire him for his courage.缺乏勇氣lack courage他的談話顯示了很大的勇氣。His conversation evinced great courage.他在最後一刻失去了勇氣。His courage failed him at the last moment.我十分佩服你的勇氣。I greatly admire your courage.我欽佩她的勇氣。I admire her for her courage.我真佩服老先生的勇氣。I truly admire the old man’s courage.你有勇氣去問他嗎?Do you have the courage to go and ask him?他的勇氣是與生俱來的。He was born with bravery.