  • 1 # oizmr522

      區別如下:  respond to: 響應; 回答; 對……反應。是固定片語。  respond on:在......反應。不是固定片語,on是由後面的單詞或是片語決定,和後面成分構成片語,與respond無關。  He will respond to that, not me.  他將會為此事做出反應,我不會。  Instead, the team discovered that the pituitary does not lose its ability to respond to insulin.  這樣一來,研究團隊發現腦垂體並不會消失對胰島素響應的能力。  So how do the different skill levels respond to a model like this?  那麼不同的技能水平又如何迴應到這樣的模型上呢?  An event handler, onSelect, is added to every list element to respond on a click.  事件處理函式,onSelect,新增到每個列表元素以在點選時響應。  We all act and respond on the basis of our understanding, and too often there is a misunderstanding that neither of us is aware of.  所有人都是基於我們的理解做出響應。很多時候會出現一個雙方都沒有覺察到的誤會。  Chinese officials in Beijing and Washington did not respond on Saturday or Sunday to requests for comment on the solar panel provision.  北京和駐華盛頓的中國官員本週末沒有對太陽能電池板條款發表評論。

  • 中秋節和大豐收的關聯?
  • 你都談過幾次戀愛,讓你記憶最深的那個人是誰?