  • 1 # 可阿星

    similarly 同樣地;類似於;

    likewise 同樣地;也;

    in the same way 同樣地;以同樣的方式;

    in like manner 同樣地;


    similarly :同樣地;類似於

    Similarly, lawyers parcel out work based on who does that best.


    If so, then it seems we similarly have no justification in thinking that the world we experience is the real world.


    Similarly, with happiness, I get an abundance of confidence in my skills and in my resilience towards temporary failures to achieve success.


    likewise :同樣地;也

    She mentioned how her uncle likewise had been questioned by the police.


    We will be sharing all our information that we have and I assume the Turkish authorities will do likewise.


    Likewise, one organization might have that "extra something" in its business process model that gives it an edge over the competition while another organization struggles in this area.


    in the same way :同樣地;以同樣的方式

    The statistics for each of the other classes can be interpreted in the same way.


    He talked about the uniform group model where all nodes in the cluster are identical and they process, send and receive messages in the same way.

    In the same way, it can also stop the growth of some human cancer cells, and is being studied as a potential cancer treatment.


    in like manner :同樣地

    In like manner, the body politic mimicked the human body in being dominated by various kinds of similar forces.


    Henceforth will I recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try,if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.


    Henceforth I will recognize that each day I am tested by life in like manner. If I persist, if I continue to try, if I continue to charge forward, I will succeed.


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