  • 1 # 你笑起來真好看話心理

    我有兩隻小貓.他們非常漂亮.一隻是黃色的.另一隻是白色的.他們非常可愛.黃色的小貓很調皮.他經常到處跑.他最喜歡的遊戲是玩球、繩子和石頭.而白色的小貓非常溫和.她喜歡洗她的臉.並且她不喜歡和人玩.她經常跳上我的膝蓋.我喜歡給她洗澡.噢,我的小貓為我帶來了很多愉快.我們是非常好的朋友.我愛他們.I have got two baby cats.they are very beautiful.One is yellow.the other is white.they are very lovely.the yellow cat is very naughty.He likes to play with people.He often runs here and there.His favourite game is playing with balls,ropes and stones.But the white cat is very gentle.She likes to wash her face.And she doesn′t like to play with people.She often jumps onto my knees.I like to give her a bath.Oh,my baby cats bring me much happiness.We are very good friends.I love them.

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