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    01、my tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature. it means it’s time to eat.我肚子咕咕叫的聲音是大自然最動聽的聲音之一。這意味著吃飯的時間到了。

    02、good idea, peppa. if you find them, daddy will stop being so grumpy.佩奇,好主意。如果你找到了眼鏡,爸爸就不會再發脾氣了。

    03、peppa is enjoying pretending to be mummy pig.佩奇正樂在其中的假裝是豬媽媽。

    04、you are doing it all wrong. this is the proper way to swing across.你們都錯了。這才是搖盪的正確方式。

    05、george, let’s dress up and pretend to be mummy and daddy.喬治,我們穿上衣服,來假裝是媽媽和爸爸。

    06、naughty daddy.淘氣的爸爸。

    07、yes, mummy. we were just pretending to be you and daddy.是的,媽媽。我們剛剛在假裝是你和爸爸。

    08、daddy pig cannot see a thing without them. and it makes him very grumpy.豬爸爸沒有眼鏡可什麼都看不見。這讓他非常暴躁。

    09、there was something interesting on the tv.電視上有個有趣的內容。

    10、look at me, look at me. i can ride my bike properly.看我,看我,我可以正確的騎車了。

    11、i think you’re hungry, daddy.爸爸,我想你應該是餓了。

    12、i can hear it rumbling.我聽見它咕嚕咕嚕的叫。

    13、don’t worry, peppa. daddy pig will rescue teddy.別擔心,peppa。豬爸爸會把泰迪救回來的。

    14、and i’m teaching them to be proper tigers.我正在教他們正確的當一隻老虎。

    15、i am pepper pig, this is my brother gerge.我是粉紅豬佩奇,這是我的弟弟喬治。

    16、i’m not grumpy.我沒有發脾氣!

    17、daddy pig has rescued the kite.豬爸爸拯救了風箏。

    18、silly daddy. you must have a proper guess.傻爸爸。你應該做出合理的猜測

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