  • 1 # 羽諾池唯

    1 描述“一群”

    一群人 a crowd / group / team of people;an army of people

    一群牛、象、馬、天鵝 a herd of cattle / elephants / horses / swans

    一群鳥、鵝、母雞、羊、燕子 a flock of birds / geese / hens / goats / swallows

    一群獵狗、狼 a pack of hounds / wolves

    2 描述“一絲”、“一縷”或“一層"

    一絲懷疑 a shadow of doubt

    一絲微笑 a wisp of a smile

    一縷月光 a streak of moonlight

    一縷煙 a wisp of smoke

    一層霜/雪/奶油 a layer of frost / snow / cream

    3 描述“一陣”

    一陣哭泣 a burst of tears

    一陣笑聲 a burst of laughter

    一陣喝彩 a burst of cheers

    一陣炮擊 a burst of gunfire

    一陣雷聲 a burst of thunder

    一陣瓢潑大雨 a flood of rain

    一陣誇誇其談 a flood of boasts

    4 神奇的piece


    a piece of bread / paper / wood / furniture / land / advice / news / meat / cloth / music

    5 a pair of

    在英語中,成雙成對的物品一般需要用a pair of:

    一副眼鏡 a pair of glasses

    一把剪刀 a pair of scissors

    一條褲子 a pair of trousers / pants

    一把剪鉗 a pair of pliers

    一雙筷子 a pair of chopsticks


    a drop of water 一滴水

    a flood of moonlight 一片月光

    a flood of people 人潮如湧

    a flood of words 口若懸河

    a flood of tears 淚如泉湧

    a cube of sugar 一塊方糖

    a layer of rock 一層岩石

    a cloud of smoke 一團煙霧

    a beam of light 一束光線

    a blade of grass 一片草葉

    a block of wood 一塊木頭

    a cone of ice cream 一個蛋卷冰淇淋

    a bar of chocolate 一塊巧克力

    a stack of hay 一堆乾草

    a loaf of bread 一個麵包

    a grain of rice 一粒米

    a cake of soap 一塊肥皂

    a dash of salt 一撮鹽

    a coil of wire 一卷電線

    a roll of tobacco 一卷菸草

    a ball of wool 一個毛線球

    a glimmer of hope 一線希望

    a thread of courage 一點勇氣

    a handful of corn 一把玉米

    a handful of people 少數幾個人

    a group of houses 一片房子

    a batch of dogs 一群狗

    a brood of chicks 一窩小雞

    a school of fish 一群魚

    a gang of elks 一群駝鹿

    a gust of wind 一股風

    a train of thoughts 一連串的想法


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