  • 1 # 一個殺豬的詩人

    across 完整說明1.用作介詞或副詞,注意以下用法:(1) 表示動態意義, 意為“橫過”、“到……的另一邊”.如: I can swim across the river in 10 minutes.我可以在十分鐘之內遊過河去. (介詞用法)  Can you swim across? 你能游過去嗎? (副詞用法)(2) 表示靜態意義,意為“在……的另一邊”.如:My house is just across the street.我家就在街道對面.(介詞用法)We leave Dover at ten and we should be across in Franceby midnight. (副詞用法)

    有可與介詞from 連用,表示“從……的另一邊”.如:He shouted to me from across the room.他從房間的另一邊向我喊.(3) 表示“交叉”(介詞用法) 或“從一邊到另一邊的寬度”(副詞用法).如:He sat there with his arms across his chest.他坐在那兒,兩臂交叉放在胸前.(介詞用法)The river is half a mile across. 這條河半英里寬.(副詞用法)

    2. 不要將across 誤用作動詞.如: 不能說:The river is too deep and we can"t across. 可改為:The river is too deep and we can"t cross. 河水太深,我們過不了.(去掉a)

    3.用於 come [run] across,意為“偶然遇見”、“意外發現”(不用於被動式).如: Where did you come across her?你在那兒碰到她的? I"ve just come across a beautiful poem in this book.我在這本書裡偶然發現一首優美的詩.

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