  • 1 # Abnnjhg

    1、意思上的區別①、overhead cost間接成本;間接費用;管理費用;營業成本②、indirect cost間接成本2、用法上的區別①、overhead cost經常費用、管理費用、日常開支、營業間接成本。②、indirect cost一般在正式場合和正規的文章當中多用indirect cost來表達間接成本的意思。3、例句①、overhead costProfit go up in proportion to the fall in overhead cost. 利潤上升與間接費用成本下降有關Indirect labor is accounted for as a factory overhead cost. 間接人工作為製造費用來處理。②、indirect costDevelop project contingency and indirect cost factors 預測專案的意外開支和間接成本因素The third major indirect cost of soil erosion is the loss of navigability. 土壤侵蝕第三個重要的間接代價是喪失航行能力。擴充套件資料同義詞辨析:①、prime cost原價;最初成本例句:It was sold off blow prime cost. 我們的價格是經過精密核算的Thus the prime cost can be decreased by 77.3%. 模具的生產成本可降低4.4倍以上。②、costn.價錢,代價;花費,費用;犧牲;[用複數][法律]訴訟費vi.價錢為,花費;估計成本vt.付出代價;估價;使喪失;使付出努力例句:The cost of a loaf of bread has increased five-fold.一條麵包的價錢增長了4倍。The increase will hurt small business and cost many thousands of jobs.這種增長會使小企業受損並使成千上萬的人失去工作。

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