  • 1 # 有圖圖504

    英語的“大於等於”翻譯為“Greater than equal to or equal to”。 例如: 1、位置必須是一個大於等於零的數字。 Position must be a number greater than or equal to zero. 2、訊息生存時間的值{0}必須大於等於零。 The Message Time To Live value { 0} must be greater or equal to zero. 3、currentposition必須是-1.0,或者大於等於0.0。 CurrentPosition must be-1.0 or greater than or equal to 0.0. 4、所以n大於等於1,並且n小於等於,我們武斷的判定它為,一個小的數字。 So if n is greater than or equal to1 and n is less than or equal to3, let"s just judge this thing a small number arbitrarily. 5、返回一個數值,它是使得二項式分佈在這點的函式值大於等於臨界值α的最小整數值。 Returns the smallest value for which the cumulative binomial distribution is greater than or equal to a criterion value.

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