  • 1 # 冰心絕戀的情

    hard disk test硬碟測試例句1.To ensure not data loss, please backup the content immediately and run the Hard Disk Test in System Diagnostics.若要確保沒有資料丟失,請立即備份內容和系統診斷程式中執行硬碟測試。2.Procure enough space on a hard disk drive to store all the information about test automation suite for easy accessibility and availability.為了容易訪問和實用性,獲得足夠的硬碟空間以儲存測試自動化包的所有資訊。3.The test engine automatically stores all test results to a folder on the hard disk of your computer.測試引擎自動將所有測試結果都儲存到計算機硬碟上的一個資料夾中。4.Test results are also saved to your computer"s hard disk when you run tests.在執行測試時,測試結果還會儲存在計算機的硬碟上。5.My test model came with 3 GB of memory and a huge 500 GB hard disk.我測試的型號配備3G記憶體和龐大的500G硬碟。

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